The Things Andy Has Done
One of my solo indie projects, Malfortune is a top-down twin-stick shooter bullet hell game where players can weave their own narrative through their choices.
The game is made up of a series of intense boss fights interspersed with relaxing exploration and puzzle-solving. After defeating each boss, you can choose to either finish them off, or move on and let them live. As you progress through the game, the world and narrative change with your choices. I’ll give you three guesses what my biggest inspiration was.
Doing all the design, programming, writing, art, sound, and music, I developed Malfortune over 11 months before publishing it on Steam here in July of 2018.
My first published game, Concurrency is a project I developed and released while in high school. It's an ambitious project that weaves together 8 different genres, and was great experience programming small and varied gameplay systems.
I was the sole developer for Concurrency, and after a successful Greenlight campaign it was released on Steam here in May of 2017.
Looking back on it now, there is a lot that I would change. The music comes to mind. But even for all its flaws, I am still immensely proud of this game.
Until You Wake
This game was one I worked on at DigiPen on a team with 14 other Juniors. I left the school partway through development to accept a job offer from BigBox VR, but until that point I was the team's Gameplay Programmer.
We worked in Unity, and I implemented a number of enemy behaviors and gameplay features for the game. I also did some independent experimentation with self-colliding physics-based ropes and unique enemy types, which unfortunately did not make the cut into the final product.
If only they had kept my ropes, I swear, this would have been Game of the Year.
Rush Park
Rush Park is the student project I worked on in a team of 12 sophomores during my second year at DigiPen. It's a top-down 2v2 arena sports game with a heavy emphasis on team-play hinging on the use of special abilities called "rushes."
I was the Gameplay Programmer on the team, and I worked closely with designers to prototype and implement numerous gameplay features. I also developed a lot of components for the component-based custom engine we created for the project.
Making a custom engine and game within two semesters was a fun and engaging challenge, and it formed the foundation for my knowledge of C++.